唱誦普通話 套裝

唱誦普通話 套裝
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Price: HK$200.00
Availability: In Stock
Model: B3.31CD3SP
Manufacturer: 熊熊音樂出品



第一輯 歌詠版

1. 鳳陽花鼓 --- The Flower Drum of Feng Yang
2. 杜鵑花 --- The Azalea
3. 踏雪尋梅 --- The Plum Blossom on Snow
4. 掀起你的蓋頭來 --- Lift Your Veil
5. 康定情歌 ---Love Song of Kang Ding
6. 四季歌 --- The Song of Four Seasons
7. 繡荷包 --- Embroider the purse
8. 沙里洪巴 --- Travellers on Camelback
9. 在那遙遠的地方 --- Somewhere Far Far Away
10. 虹彩妹妹 --- Hong-cai, my love
11. 青春舞曲 --- Dance of Youth
12. 茉莉花 --- The Jasmine
13. 阿里山姑娘 --- Girls on Alishan
14. 讀書郎 --- Diligent boys

第二輯 音樂版

1. 鳳陽花鼓 --- The Flower Drum of Feng Yang
2. 杜鵑花 --- The Azalea
3. 踏雪尋梅 --- The Plum Blossom on Snow
4. 掀起你的蓋頭來 --- Lift Your Veil
5. 康定情歌 ---Love Song of Kang Ding
6. 四季歌 --- The Song of Four Seasons
7. 繡荷包 --- Embroider the purse
8. 沙里洪巴 --- Travellers on Camelback
9. 在那遙遠的地方 --- Somewhere Far Far Away
10. 虹彩妹妹 --- Hong-cai, my love
11. 青春舞曲 --- Dance of Youth
12. 茉莉花 --- The Jasmine
13. 阿里山姑娘 --- Girls on Alishan
14. 讀書郎 --- Diligent boys

第三輯 誦讀版

1. 鳳陽花鼓 --- The Flower Drum of Feng Yang
2. 杜鵑花 --- The Azalea
3. 踏雪尋梅 --- The Plum Blossom on Snow
4. 掀起你的蓋頭來 --- Lift Your Veil
5. 康定情歌 ---Love Song of Kang Ding
6. 四季歌 --- The Song of Four Seasons
7. 繡荷包 --- Embroider the purse
8. 沙里洪巴 --- Travellers on Camelback
9. 在那遙遠的地方 --- Somewhere Far Far Away
10. 虹彩妹妹 --- Hong-cai, my love
11. 青春舞曲 --- Dance of Youth
12. 茉莉花 --- The Jasmine
13. 阿里山姑娘 --- Girls on Alishan
14. 讀書郎 --- Diligent boys

唱誦普通話 套裝
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唱誦普通話 套裝
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唱誦普通話 套裝
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